
Start Transforming Your Life and Relationships Now

Transform yourself into your best version and attract healthy and rewarding relationships by exploring your inner potential with Mentorship Your Journey

Why Mentorship Your Journey?

Because change starts within you.

So that you can reframe your own Mental Script, raise your vibration and attract people and circumstances in tune with the new script you want to write.

We live projecting subconscious mental stories that sabotage us, limit us and make us live repeating patterns that make us unhappy.

These stories form our mental script and consequently our reality. Making ourselves aware of our toxic and destructive stories gives us the power to let them go and change our reality.

When it comes to attracting healthy and rewarding relationships, in addition to a change of script, a change of focus is also required.

Mentorship Sua Jornada will help you with these changes so that you can transform yourself and open up to authentic and meaningful relationships.

Tap into your inner power and transform your life and relationships

BOOK YOUR DISCOVERY SESSION AND Find out if mentoring your journey is for you

Book discovery session

“The relationship you want is within you, and what you don’t want is within you.” – Marli Mazon

What is the mentorship

Personal Transformation Program like you’ve never seen

Mentorship is a 10-meeting individual consulting program to attract desired people and circumstances into your life through inner transformation.

Throughout mentorship, we will develop and put into practice skills and competence capable of reprogramming your subconscious and aligning your vibrations (thoughts, words and actions) with what you want.

Who is it for

purpose-driven women seeking healthier relationships and excellence in all areas of life

Especially for women tired of:

  • Attracting Unwanted People and Circumstances
  • Feeling anxious, dependent, worried Living consumed by destructive habits
  • Being defined by past traumas
  • Feeling afraid of never experiencing truly intimate and fulfilling relationships

It’s time to transform

After mentoring you will be able to:

  • Attracting Desired People and Circumstances Through Inner Alignment
  • Be more Confident, Independent and Secure
  • Be clear about your purpose and your desires.
  • Practice self-care and leave destructive habits behind
  • Feel the freedom to be authentic
  • Let go of past traumas
  • Live a fulfilling life

Tap into your inner power and transform your life and relationships

BOOK YOUR DISCOVERY SESSION AND Find out if mentoring your journey is for you

Book discovery session

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi

How it works

METHOD WITH 3 pillars

Unlike other self-help programs, Mentoring is a 10-one-on-one program* that follows a step-by-step method to generate results.

*Meetings can be online or in person depending on availability and location

1 – Research

– Identify your own mental script – Make the subconscious conscious – Identify patterns, traumas and needs


– Focus on the journey itself

– Letting go of self-limiting patterns

– Change your vibration


– Reframe the mental script

– Manifest one’s authenticity

– Experience the freedom of letting go

Who will be your mentor

Marli Mazon

Marli has been helping women all over the world to attract the relationship they want through inner transformation, Marli is:- Life Coach certified and specialized in Relationship Coaching- Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)- Diploma in Clinical HypnotherapyIn addition to all her training, Marli dedicated hundreds of hours studying Neuroscience, Epigenetics, Cognitive Behavioral Psychology, Quantum Physics, Enneagram, Gratitude, Mindfulness and Spirituality. Disciplines that contribute to broadening and enriching people’s path of transformation. Using tools and approaches that contributed to her own personal transformation, Marli has helped people to make invaluable changes in their lives.

“The true voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes” – Marcel Proust

How to participate?

Find out if mentoring is for you

Mentoring is for all those who want to achieve the most out of their relationships and their lives.

However, mentoring is not for everyone and requires personal COMMITMENT.

It is a process that requires a lot of work, focus, discipline and open-mindedness on both sides, and therefore, you need to find out if you are ready to participate in mentoring.

Book a FREE Discovery Session with me, Marli Mazon, to understand your needs and find out if the program is really for you.

Tap into your inner power and transform your life and relationships

BOOK YOUR DISCOVERY SESSION AND Find out if mentoring your journey is for you

Book discovery session

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